
Pc games like fallout shelter
Pc games like fallout shelter

pc games like fallout shelter

One of the factors that make this game stand out is the attention to detail within the world. Just like in Fallout, you can pick up almost everything you come across whether you have a claim to it or not. Like Fallout 4, The Elder Scrolls V also operates within a grand dynamic setting with a clockwork structure. With the smoother experience and more bite-sized areas to explore, the game offers a more immersive experience allowing you to feel more important and not just an imposter.įallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim run on the same engine and are comparative in most core aspects. The roaming in this game is more condensed and split up into different planets giving you varied scenery. But it also brings some innovative changes. The game is very similar to Fallout and falls shy of having the same brand. The Outer Worlds is Fallout in a different skin. Your goal is to chart a new path as a passenger in a newly awakened spaceship as you interact with galactic factions on your way. The game is set in 1901 where mega-corporations have taken control over various planets to colonise them. The 2019 RPG-themed release offers all the things you love about Fallout and then some.

pc games like fallout shelter

However, The Outer Worlds game has an excellent rendition of the blueprint. The two games are strikingly similar down to the fake advertisement and even the conversation's centre framing. It is from Obsidian Entertainment – the same studio that takes most of the credit for Fallout New Vegas which is considered one of the best Fallout games. The Outer Worlds shares more than a theme with Fallout.

pc games like fallout shelter

But if you’re too attached to Fallout or want to play it safe, here are 12 other games that you can try out but have the same feel as Fallout. That’s why once in a while you might need to take a break from Fallout to see what else the gaming world has to offer. For the longest time, Fallout has been one of the top games in most gamers list.īut even too much of a good thing can be poisonous. Its warped take on the world coming back from the brink of extinction has become a video game mainstay. Fallout seems to have struck a nerve with gamers.

Pc games like fallout shelter